• I am __________.

    As leaders we are used to focusing outward, in others. To celebrating their wins. To consoling their losses. To propping others up, to elevating their spirits. Acknowledging their strengths to help them move forward, move through whatever it is they are encountering. Providing them what they need in a particular circumstance. But what about focusing…

  • Friends

    Lately I’ve reached out to various friend groups to hang out. For some, I see often. Others, it’s been over a year. As a parent, finding time to connect is hard. Many of us make/find friends through our kids activities. Or we don’t. Humans are wired for connection. We are social creatures. Everyone defines “connection”…

  • Be an egg

    Who here cooks? I do… quite a bit. After a family breakfast (in which my daughters whipped up a delish meal of homemade waffles, eggs, bacon & fresh fruit!!!!), I had a completely random correlation of a kitchen staple… the egg… to leadership. Egg vs Leadership Fragile? Yes Break under pressure? Yes Should operate with…

  • Choice

    Most things are out of your control. Control what you can. Control how you react to what happened. Control the action you take. And you control what you can by making choices. Sometimes you have to change your choices to make progress or to get unstuck. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing…

  • Shifting Gears

    Phew… I made it through. No, it’s not some physical challenge. No, it’s not a class or other program. It was my recent blogging “theme”.  At the beginning of this year I decided to write on goals and how to achieve them. My messages were as follows: DEFINING SELF = WHO ☑️Who are you? Start…

  • Action: Do…when you don’t want to

    Let’s be honest. No one is perfect (hence the name of this blog!) on their journey. There are so many things that life throws our way it’s impossible to be perfect. Which makes “doing, when you really, really don’t want to” so hard. This feeling can completely derail you, and sometimes the derailment wipes out…

  • Action: DO

    The last two weeks we discussed taking the action of setting intentions and believing. All that’s left now is to DO! ➡️Set intentions ➡️Believe ➡️Do Just start. Don’t keep waiting for “the right time”…that is an excuse. Just start, however small. Take one step. Read one page. Skip one bite. Small actions add up over…

  • Action: Believe

    Last week we discussed taking the action of setting intentions. Our next action is to believe. ➡️Set intentions ➡️Believe ➡️Do You may be thinking I’m a little off my rocker right now…“Believe” isn’t an action, you think. It is, it’s a mental action. And news flash… If you don’t BELIVE you can do something, you…

  • Action: Set Intentions

    My next set of posts address how to convert our ideas of our future self into actuality. It requires action…   ➡️Set intentions ➡️Believe ➡️Do Once you’ve begun loving yourself (by creating space & room to breathe) (by stopping the crazy unrealistic expectations) and reflecting on where you e come from, where you are and where…

  • Life…

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