• Life is Hard

    Life is hard. No matter how hard you try, IT.IS.NOT. We are all perfectly imperfect humans navigating our own journey. Life is hard. For everyone, despite what you see on social media, in the office, on the streets. We are all perfectly imperfect humans trying to do the best we can. Life is hard. But…

  • Perspective (in words)

    You are the only perfectly imperfect version of YOU in this world. Only YOU have lived your unique set of experiences. While you may or may not have experienced things with other perfectly imperfect humans, no one has your exact story. You have a unique perspective. So does everyone else. Your family Your friends Your…

  • Perspective (in photos)

    Breathtaking Inspiring We head to Assisi then Rome today. Many steps taken, many lessons learned, many memories made!!! Until next time, Your perfectly imperfect friend, Casey

  • Experiences

    Today, my family and I leave for a 10-day European vacation, visiting Switzerland and Italy. We’re been planning (aka paying for…) this trip for over 2 years. I cannot believe it’s actually here! It will be filled with amazing new experiences. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes… It will be filled with a packed itinerary, including many…

  • …and earn your Worth

    “A bottle of water in the supermarket is worth about $0.50. The same bottle in a bar costs $2. In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to $3. At an airport or on the plane, you may be charged $5. The bottle and the brand is the same, the only thing…

  • Legacy…

    “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou  How do you want to be remembered? What legacy do you want to leave behind? My desired legacy? I want to leave things better than how I found them. I…

  • Celebrations

    Yesterday was a big day in our house. Yes, we celebrated Mothers Day. But more importantly… Our oldest graduated High School! Such a proud moment. Celebrating her journey, her accomplishments. Celebrating the strong, confident young woman she has become. At 18 she is an adult and can fly on her own if she so chooses.…

  • Last Minute

    “If it weren’t for last minutes there’d be no minutes at all.” – Me, way too much lately We all go through crazy periods of life. I’m in one right now. My senior is graduating high school, projects at work are unending… Lots of balls in the air. It will settle down eventually but right…

  • Rear View

    Hindsight is 20/20 You cannot go back, but you CAN learn. As the saying goes… the windshield is larger than the rear view mirror for a reason. You aren’t going that way! So friend, what can you learn from your experiences and use towards your future? I know I’ve got quite a bit to work…

  • I am __________.

    As leaders we are used to focusing outward, in others. To celebrating their wins. To consoling their losses. To propping others up, to elevating their spirits. Acknowledging their strengths to help them move forward, move through whatever it is they are encountering. Providing them what they need in a particular circumstance. But what about focusing…

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