
Just a Woman making her way
through this thing called LIFE!

About me

I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, family member, co-worker, doer, helper, leader.

I live in Kansas City with my husband and two daughters. I work full-time as a Chief Financial Officer at a family-owned company, leading an amazing group of team members.

I enjoy spending my free time with family and friends, eating delicious food and drinking wine or bourbon, which is why I also work out regularly 🙂

I love helping others – whether individuals, teams or organizations – achieve great things on their journey through life.

Why I Blog

I have a lot of things rattling around my head. I also have a lot of life experience. Why not share some of these thoughts, ideas, questions, advice, lessons? I do not have all the answers, no one does. But it sure is nice to navigate this journey through life with others!

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