
Yesterday was a big day in our house.

Yes, we celebrated Mothers Day. But more importantly…

Our oldest graduated High School!

Such a proud moment. Celebrating her journey, her accomplishments. Celebrating the strong, confident young woman she has become.

At 18 she is an adult and can fly on her own if she so chooses. We are learning to adjust to this fact. We are entering a transitional phase, where she spends more time away from us than with us. This is okay, this is the way forward. It is hard to let go, to let her figure life out on her own. We will always be here for her, to celebrate the wins and provide support after the losses. This is our role.

Kinda like leadership, eh?!? Good leaders build, coach, teach… then step away and let their team fly. You are always there for support… but your role shifts. This is the way!

So friends, accept the fact that your role will shift. But enjoy the journey as it unfolds and celebrate along the way!

Until next time…

Your perfectly imperfect friend, Casey

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