I am __________.

As leaders we are used to focusing outward, in others. To celebrating their wins. To consoling their losses. To propping others up, to elevating their spirits. Acknowledging their strengths to help them move forward, move through whatever it is they are encountering. Providing them what they need in a particular circumstance.

But what about focusing inward? Looking at ourselves? When was the last time you coached yourself after a win, after a loss? When was the last time you acknowledged YOUR strengths?

Leaders, you must learn yourself just as much if not MORE than others. People see you, follow you. What are you truly teaching them by ignoring yourself?


Take a moment to complete this sentence:

I am ____________.

What are you? Not who you are in relation to others (i.e. a daughter, a wife, a mother). Who are YOU, on your own?

Here are a few I came up for myself:

I am strong.

I am smart.

I am kind.

I am flawed.

I am driven.

I am passionate.


Look at your list. Remember these. Don’t lose who YOU are as you lead others. Don’t stop working on yourself as you help others work on themselves. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO!

So friends, you are _________, and don’t ever forget it!

Until next time…

Your perfectly imperfect friend, Casey

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